Over the past 12 months prices we have all seen prices of everything shoot up astronomically. Due to these huge hikes many of the infrastructure costs to put on Revive 2023 we have had to increase our prices. We have done our best to absorb as much as of the increase as possible, but we are still projecting a substantial deficit. Read below to see how no matter what, our aim is to still give you fantastic value and a quality event for your money.

Price Increase

We would usually only put ticket prices up around 2-3% each year to reflect inflation. However, here are some of the challenges we are facing for 2023:

  • Marquee costs have gone up 40%.
  • Some labour costs have gone up 70%
  • Delivery charges on some products have doubled (that is going up 100%)
  • Food costs have gone up more than 20%

All of this means that the overall cost of Revive has increased by around 30%.

After much prayer and thought, we have had to put camping prices up 20% and house prices up 15% from 2022 prices. This means that our deficit is even bigger than usual for Revive 2023, but we really felt we couldn’t increase more than these amounts because many people are struggling due to the cost of living crisis. (If you would like to give and help us close our ‘faith gap’ please click here)

Even with the uplift in prices, Revive 2023 still offers fantastic value for money. When you break down the ticket price (see below) you would still be hard pushed to find another week holiday that includes so much.

Do You Need Support

We have received some funding to enable individuals and families on low incomes (i.e. Universal Credit, JSA, State Pension) to apply for financial support in order to attend Revive 2023.  You could receive up to 50% of the camping price for your family. If you would like to apply for this support, please click here to complete an application form. Funding is limited and will be given to those in greatest need, so please apply quickly.

Revive 2022_LOVEStaying In the House

If you are staying in Ashburnham House, your ticket to Revive includes a week pass to the whole event, as well as half board (breakfast and dinner). When broken down into components you can see what good value staying in the house is.

A weekly pass is £100 to attend Revive without staying on site. This includes entrance to all sessions in the main marquee, seminar streams, workshops, after hours entertainment, the fete, sport, fireworks and prayer streams, approximately £15 per day.

If staying in our most expensive En Suite twin/double rooms, the cost is £470 per adult (less for children) for the week. Minus the weekly pass the cost is £370, approximately £52 per person per night. The accommodation includes an En Suite room, daily cooked breakfast, two-course dinner and tea and coffee. All this and staying on a beautiful estate is an amazing bargain!

If staying in the single women’s rooms,  the cost is the same as above, so for just £52 per night you get your own room, breakfast and dinner. Once again great value for money!

The cost of our cheapest room – Quad Value – is only £272 per adult (less for children). If you remove the cost of the weekly pass – £100, the cost of the room, a cooked breakfast, 2 course dinner, daily is just £173, which is only £24 per night!!!


Similarly there are fantastic savings to be made with camping at Revive. Once again, if you deduct the cost of a weekly pass of £100 per adult, the cost of camping would be only £79 for the whole week (per adult, less for children)!!! This works out at just £11 per night per adult! We believe you would be had pushed to find another camping holiday in peak season that offers the surroundings of Ashburnham, a full week of spiritual upliftment, groups for children of all ages, fun activities and recreation for the whole family at such a low price!